Take Care of Yourself, Jerry Springer

Steve “the Bouncer” Wilk0s (left) and Jerry Springer. The men stand back-to-back and turn their heads to look at the camera. Bald, taller and stockier than Springer, Steve the Bouncer is dressed informally in a blue open-collar shirt. Bespectacled with graying hair, Jerry wears a suit jacket, customary garb of a TV host. He extends his right arm toward the camera in a gesture of welcome. [Via Entertainment Tonight 042723] R.I.P., Jerry Springer: I remember a time when Brendan, Chenoa, and I played hooky from other responsibilities and made it a point to watch “The Jerry Springer Show” together. It was an opportunity to commune with twisted people who had worse problems, and less shame, than we did. My show favorite was the bald bouncer who roamed the set breaking up brawls. He looked imposing like Mr. Clean. I think his name was Steve. When the audience chanted “Steve! Steve! Steve!” we howled for blood with them. Family values like that is what makes America great. I always hoped the three of us would get tickets to do the show in person. Not on stage, mind you. Just in the audience.

I am proud to say I voted once for Jerry Springer. That was back in the day when sketchy characters did politics first before turning to reality TV. Jerry would have made a great Governor of Ohio.

In 2008 Jerry was invited to give the commencement address at Northwestern University, his alma mater. “I’ve been lucky enough to enjoy a comfortable measure of success in my various careers,” he saidd, “but let’s be honest, I’ve been virtually everything you can’t respect: a lawyer, a mayor, a major-market news anchor and a talk-show host. Pray for me. If I get to heaven, we’re all going.”

Let me send him off with the homily he used to end his show. “Take care of yourself. And each other.”

About the Image: Steve “the Bouncer” Wilk0s (left) and Jerry Springer. [Via Entertainment Tonight 042723]

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