Tag Archives: 19th cenrtury

King Charles and Mr. Dick

David remembers wistfully, “Every day of his life he had a long sitting at the Memorial, which never made the least progress, however hard he labored, for King Charles the First always strayed into it, sooner or later, and then it was thrown aside, and another one begun. The patience and hope with which he bore these perpetual disappointments, the mild perception he had that there was something wrong about King Charles the First, the feeble efforts he made to keep him out, and the certainty with which he came in, and tumbled the Memorial out of all shape, made, a deep impression on me. Continue reading

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Remembering Wounded Knee’s Ghost Dance

Fifty years ago, Russel Means led the American Indian Movement (AIM) to take back Wounded Knee. Their political action was a 1970s version of the Ghost Dance. Eighty-three years before that, the U.S. Cavalry rode into Wounded Knee and massacred 300 Ghost Dancers. The U.S. government was threatened by the dance. They had to stop it. They couldn’t stop it. Pray they never can. Continue reading

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