Internet Naturalist – January 19, 2014

  • Rare Scottish Bird Reveals Its Long-Secret Winter Home : NPR 011114
    Think you have a long commute? Well it’s probably nothing compared to the red-necked phalarope’s. NPR’s Scott Simon talks to Malcie Smith of the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds about their record-breaking migration and how scientists tracked the tiny birds.
  • The Upside Of The Bitter Cold: It Kills Bugs That Kill Trees : NPR 011014
    While many of us may prefer to never again see temperatures drop below zero like they did earlier this week across the country, the deep freeze is putting warm smiles on the faces of many entomologists. That’s because it may have been cold enough in some areas to freeze and kill some damaging invasive species of insects, including the tree-killing emerald ash borer.
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