Morning Deer Report: A Serviceberry Survives

A small Serviceberry tree is covered with white flowers on bare branches on April 18, 2023. After the flower petals drop, green leaves will emerge at the beginning of May, followed by reddish-purple berries in June. The berries make excellent jam! The 5-year-old tree is about 2 feet tall. [Photo by Brendan Willis]


This little Serviceberry deserves a medal for valor in the struggle of trees versus deer. I planted it in 2018 when it was a bareroot twig. In the next two years deer hoovered up the fruit buds and gnawed it to the ground. In 2021 I put a deer cage around it. This spring it blooms resplendently  for the first time. After the flower petals drop, green leaves will emerge at the beginning of May, followed by reddish-purple berries in June. The berries make excellent jam! [Photo by Brendan Willis]

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