The Willis Kids circa 1958: Diana, David, and Mark. It’s been a long journey. Happy Birthday, Brother David!
I am the youngest sibling in the photo, on the far right. I look like I am pleased with the snazzy red blazer worn for the occasion.
The Willis Kids circa 1958: Diana, David, and Mark. It’s been a long journey. Happy Birthday, Brother David!
I am the youngest sibling in the photo, on the far right. I look like I am pleased with the snazzy red blazer worn for the occasion.
150 years after Robert Duncanson painted this luminist scene on the Little Miami River, I stood in the same spot and saw a soft-shelled turtle sunning on a snag. It slipped silently into the water when it heard me. That’s when I knew past is present and destiny, too. That’s when my vision of the Ghost Turtles began. Read more